Amateur Radio for kids

Rob L. Dey, KA2BEO


4Not a bent key, but...
8Makes a click-clacking sound.
9A sparkless key.
13A neighborhood sounder.
14A modern sounder.
15A key for keying high-current.
16A key that stands to attention.
18Not wireless.
19Samuel F. B.'s last name.
20A CW operator's style.
22A key with a hump.
25An electronic Morse generator.
26World-wide Morse code.
27The rate of sending or receiving telegraphy.
29Domestic Morse code.
30Another name for the smallest of keys.
31Old Samuel's switch.
32US Morse code.
2The other Morse code inventor, Alfred...
3An electrode named after a bird's appendage.
5A printing sounder.
6A type of key, not meant for the foot.
7A distress call.
10The first major business that used telegraph.
11A type of sounder connected to the telegraph line.
12A key with a large knob.
14Short for a semi-auto key.
15The proper name for a speed key.
17A keyer's input switch.
21Dual-paddle squeeze keying.
23No legs on this key.
24A device used to control sounders.
28A small telegraph relay.